I have to Start Somewhere
We always hear the term that we have to start somewhere. The funny part is, that no one ever says where we need to start and what we need to start doing. As we continue to live our lives, daily we see people passing away when we look to the left and when we look to the right.
We have to come to terms with the fact that a long length of life is not promised to anyone. We need to take responsibility for the life that we want to live. Take responsibility for the life we continue to be blessed with, while we still have it.
For the most part, what I see and what I have observed, not only with everyone else, but with myself included, is we tend to hold on to the guilt of past experiences, whether our fault or others against us, and we hold on to the pain of the trauma. When do we start to face the fact that we had trauma, our innocence was lost and we did not heal from that trauma? As women, we tend to keep living and we have not returned to that healthy life.
We’ve been going on with life and just accepting the blows as the blows may come. But our wombs are also taking those blows. We are not responding to her cry. We have grown callous to our own bodies' needs and voices.
We like to call them red flags when about outside of self. How convenient. Well, it's time we start calling red flags on the coping mechanisms that have been created due to the unhealed trauma. We were not born to mistrust, yet untrustworthy behavior against us has caused physical issues.
We always hear the term we have to start somewhere, yet, no one ever says where we have to start, what we have to start doing, and how we do it!
Well let me be of assistance Sis, you have to start now. You are starting to self-assess so that you can rebirth your womb spirit in an environment of self-love, self-care, self-grace, and self’s self-soul salvation. See the price has already been paid, yet we still have a responsibility to ourselves, our community, and most of all to the Most High. Asé Amen Ameen
Shift from a broken church girl to a Healed Queen. Just tell me “coach me Femi” and let's make life better together. I have the tools, let me just show and share them with you!